Rehder, H; Beck, E; Kokwaro, JO; Scheibe, R: Vegetation Analysis of the Upper Teleki Valley (Mt. Kenya) and Adjacent Areas, Journal of the East African Natural History Society, 171, 1-8 (1981) | |
Abstract: Parts of the upper afroalpine vegetation belt on the western slope of Mount Kenya were studied with respect to classification, structure and distribution of plant communities. The upper afroalpine belt of Mt Kenya extends from about 3900 m to approximately 4600 m and is characterized by a high frequency or predominance of the Giant Groundsel (Dendrosenecio) Senecio keniodendron. Its relative, the Cabbage Groundsel Senecio brassica occurs in this area as well as in the lower afroalpine belt. Two main plant communities were to be distinguished within the upper belt: The 'Senecio brassica-Lobelia keniensis Community' (type 2) on more or less wet soils especially in the lower parts of the valleys, and the 'Dendrosenecio-Woodlands' (type 8) found on drier soils, in particular on the valley slopes. Four other plant communities were derived from these main types. The first is a variant of type 2 with Erica arborea and occurs in the lower parts of the area (type 3). Another variation without Lobelia keniensis was found on wet soil at higher altitudes (type 4). In addition small areas covered by transitional communities between types 2 and 8, either without Lobelias (type 5) or with those plus Erica arborea (type 6) were recorded. Beside the main types and their four derivatives, 'open' or 'tussock' communities, inhabiting preferentially the upper or the flooded regions, were identified. S. keniodendron, S. brassica and the two Lobelias are absent or only found as scattered individuals and often with reduced vitality. The 'Carex Bog' on wet soil (type 1) might correspond to type 2, whereas the 'Tussock Grassland' on drier soils (type 7) inclines towards type 8. This type of grassland includes the types 'Helichrysum Scrub' and 'Alchemilla Scrub' of Hedberg. Areas with a plant cover of less than five percent are predominating on the rocky or frost affected soils above 4400 m (type 10). A special type which is somewhat intermediate between types 7, 8 and 10 is the 'Open Vegetation with Lobelia telekii' (type 9). This type appears generally above the area of the 'Dendrosenecio Woodlands'. The distribution of these 10 vegetation types on the southwestern to northwestern part of Mt Kenya is shown on a vegetation map (Fig. 1). |