
Silva, B; Carrillo-Rojas, G; Alava-Nunez, P; Rollenbeck, R; Strobl, S; Beck, E; Bendix, J: Spatial-explicit ET indicator for the south Ecuadorian Andes deriverd from remotely sensed data. In: Landscape Restoration, Sustainable Use and Cross-Scale Monitoring of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions – a Science-directed Approach to South Ecuador ( Beck E, Knoke T, Farwig N, Breuer L, Siddons D, Bendix J, eds.) in University of Bayreuth: Lcrs.de Publications.do, 134-148 (2017), doi:http://www.lcrs.de/publications.do?citid=1696
The current chapter describes the spatial calculation of evapotranspiration (ET) for the Andes of southern Ecuador derived from operational satellite data. Because satellite images are recurrently produced, ET maps can be continuously generated and thus, used for operational monitoring of changes in the ecosystem water cycle. Due to restrictions of the individual satellite systems, two procedures are discussed: (i) An ET-retrieval scheme based on normalized vegetation indices which can be applied to individual tree crowns in very high resolution images and (ii) a more sophisticated retrieval scheme additionally using thermal infrared bands and energy balance calculations. The latter, however, is restricted to moderate resolution systems offering TIR bands. Determination, validation, accuracy and strength/weaknesses of the functional ET indicator are summarised in this chapter.

Letzte Änderung 15.06.2020