

Listing of publications Plant Genetics

-- 2022 --
Ambros, S; Kotewitsch, M; Wittig, PR; Bammer, B; Mustroph, A: Transcriptional Response of Two Brassica napus Cultivars to Short-Term Hypoxia in the Root Zone, Frontiers in Plant Science (2022), doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.897673

-- 2021 --
Hess, N; Richter, S; Liebthal, M; Dietz, KJ; Mustroph, A: The Phosphofructokinase Isoform AtPFK5 Is a Novel Target of Plastidic Thioredoxin-f-Dependent Redox Regulation, Antioxidants, 10(3), 401 (2021), doi:10.3390/antiox10030401 -- Details
Müller, JT; van Veen, H; Bartylla, MM; Akman, M; Pedersen, O; Sun, P; Schuurink, RC; Takeuchi, J; Todoroki, Y; Weig, A R; Sasidharan, R; Mustroph, A: Keeping the shoot above water – submergence triggers antithetical growth responses in stems and petioles of watercress (Nasturtium officinale), New Phytologist, 229(1), 140-155 (2021), doi:10.1111/nph.16350 -- Details
Perby, LK; Richter, S; Weber, K; Hieber, AJ; Hess, N; Crocoll, C; Mogensen, HK; Pribil, M; Burow, M; Nielsen, TH; Mustroph, A: Cytosolic phosphofructokinases are important for sugar homeostasis in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana, Annals of Botany (2021), doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcab122
Wittig, PR; Ambros, S; Müller, JT; Bammer, B; Alvarez-Cansino, L; Konnerup, D; Pedersen, O; Mustroph, A: Two Brassica napus cultivars differ in gene expression, but not in their response to submergence, Physiologia Plantarum, 171(3), 400-415 (2021), doi:10.1111/ppl.13251 -- Details

-- 2019 --
Bäumler, J; Riber, W; Klecker, M; Müller, L; Dissmeyer, N; Weig, A R; Mustroph, A: AtERF#111/ABR1 is a transcriptional activator involved in the wounding response, The Plant Journal, 100(5), 969-990 (2019), doi:10.1111/tpj.14490 -- Details

-- 2018 --
Mustroph, A: Improving Flooding Tolerance of Crop Plants, Agronomy, MDPI, 8(9), 160 (2018), doi:10.3390/agronomy8090160 -- Details
Mustroph, A: Flooding Stress in Plants, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Wiley (2018), doi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0001317.pub3 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Steffens, B; Sasidharan, R: Signalling Interactions in Flooding Tolerance, Annual Plant Reviews Online, Wiley (2018), doi:10.1002/9781119312994.apr0623 -- Details

-- 2017 --
Sasidharan, R; Bailey-Serres, J; et al., ; Mustroph, A; et al., ; Voesenek, LACJ: Community recommendations on terminology and procedures used in flooding and low oxygen stress research, New Phytologist, 214(4), 1403-1407 (2017), doi:10.1111/nph.14519 -- Details

-- 2016 --
Gasch, P; Fundinger, M; Müller, JT; Lee, T; Bailey-Serres, J; Mustroph, A: Redundant ERF-VII transcription factors bind an evolutionarily-conserved cis-motif to regulate hypoxia-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 28, 160-180 (2016), doi:10.1105/tpc.15.00866 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Sauter, M; Geigenberger, P; van Dongen, JT: Wenn Pflanzen die Luft ausgeht - (Über)leben ohne Sauerstoff, Biologie in unserer Zeit, 46, 32-40 (2016), doi:10.1002/biuz.201610584 -- Details
van Veen, H; Vashisht, D; Akman, M; Girke, T; Mustroph, A; Reinen, E; Hartman, S; Kooiker, M; van Tienderen, PH; Schranz, ME; Bailey-Serres, J; Voesenek, LACJ; Sasidharan, R: Transcriptomes of eight Arabidopsis thaliana accessions reveal core conserved, genotype- and organ-specific responses to flooding stress, Plant Physiology (2016), doi:10.1104/pp.16.00472 -- Details

-- 2015 --
Riber, W; Müller, JT; Visser, EJ; Sasidharan, R; Voesenek, LACJ; Mustroph, A: The greening after extended darkness 1 is an N-end rule pathway mutant with high tolerance to submergence and starvation, Plant Physiology, 167(4), 1616-1629 (2015), doi:10.1104/pp.114.253088 -- Details

-- 2014 --
Akman, M; Bhikharie, A; Mustroph, A; Sasidharan, R: Extreme flooding tolerance in Rorippa., Plant Signaling & Behavior, 9(1), e27847 (2014), doi:10.4161/psb.27847 -- Details
Klecker, M; Gasch, P; Peisker, H; Dörmann, P; Schlicke, H; Grimm, B; Mustroph, A: A shoot-specific hypoxic response of Arabidopsis thaliana sheds light on the role of the phosphate-responsive transcription factor PHR1, Plant Physiology, 165(2), 774-790 (2014), doi:10.1104/pp.114.237990 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Barding, GA; Kaiser, KA; Larive, CK; Bailey-Serres, J: Characterization of distinct root and shoot responses to low-oxygen stress in Arabidopsis with a focus on primary C- and N-metabolism, Plant Cell and Environment, 37(10), 2366-2380 (2014), doi:10.1111/pce.12282 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Hess, N; Sasidharan, R: Hypoxic energy metabolism and PPi as an alternative energy currency, Plant Cell Monographs, Low-Oxygen Stress in Plants, Springer-Verlag Wien, 21, 165-184 (2014), doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-1254-0_9 -- Details

-- 2013 --
Mustroph, A; Stock, J; Hess, N; Aldous, S; Dreilich, A; Grimm, B: Characterization of the phosphofructokinase gene family in rice and its expression under oxygen deficiency stress, Frontiers Plant Science, 4, 125 (2013), doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00125 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Zanetti, ME; Girke, T; Bailey-Serres, J: Isolation and analysis of mRNAs from specific cell types of plants by ribosome immunopurification, Methods in Molecular Biology, 959, 277-302 (2013), doi:10.1007/978-1-62703-221-6_19 -- Details
Sasidharan, R; Mustroph, A; Boonman, A; Akman, M; Ammerlaan, AM; Breit, T; Schranz, ME; Voesenek, LACJ; van Tienderen, PH: Root transcript profiling of two rorippa species reveals gene clusters associated with extreme submergence tolerance, Plant Physiology, 163(3), 1277-1292 (2013), doi:10.1104/pp.113.222588 -- Details
van Veen, H; Mustroph, A; Barding, GA; Vergeer-van Eijk, M; Welschen-Evertman, RA; Pedersen, O; Visser, EJ; Larive, CK; Pierik, R; Bailey-Serres, J; Voesenek, LACJ; Sasidharan, R: Two Rumex Species from Contrasting Hydrological Niches Regulate Flooding Tolerance through Distinct Mechanisms, Plant Cell, 25(11), 4691-4707 (2013), doi:10.1105/tpc.113.119016 -- Details

-- 2011 --
Lee, SC; Mustroph, A; Sasidharan, R; Vashisht, D; Pedersen, O; Oosumi, T; Voesenek, LACJ; Bailey-Serres, J: Molecular characterization of the submergence response of the Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia, New Phytologist, 190, 457-471 (2011)
Sasidharan, R; Mustroph, A: Plant oxygen sensing is mediated by the N-end rule pathway: a milestone in plant anaerobiosis, Plant Cell, 23, 4173-4183 (2011), doi:10.1105/tpc.111.093880 -- Details

-- 2010 --
Mustroph, A; Bailey-Serres, J: The Arabidopsis translatome cell-specific mRNA atlas: Mining suberin and cutin lipid monomer biosynthesis genes as an example for data application., Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5(3), 320-324 (2010), doi:10.4161/psb.5.3.11187 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Lee, SC; Oosumi, T; Zanetti, ME; Yang, H; Ma, K; Yaghoubi-Masihi, A; Fukao, T; Bailey-Serres, J: Cross-kingdom comparison of transcriptomic adjustments to low oxygen stress highlights conserved and plant-specific responses, Plant Physiology, 152(3), 1484-1500 (2010), doi:10.1104/pp.109.151845 -- Details

-- 2009 --
Mustroph, A; Juntawong, P; Bailey-Serres, J: Isolation of plant polysomal mRNA by differential centrifugation and ribosome immunopurification methods., Methods in Molecular Biology, 533, 109-126 (2009), doi:10.1007/978-1-60327-563-7_6 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Zanetti, E; Jang, CJH; Holtan, HE; Repetti, PP; Galbraith, DW; Girke, T; Bailey-Serres, J: Profiling translatomes of discrete cell populations resolves altered cellular priorities during hypoxia in Arabidopsis., Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 106(44), 18843-18848 (2009), doi:10.1073/pnas.0906131106 -- Details

-- 2008 --
Werner, T; Holst, K; Pörs, Y; Guivarch, A; Mustroph, A; Chriqui, D; Grimm, B; Schmülling, T: Cytokinin deficiency causes distinct changes of sink and source parameters in shoots and roots., Journal of Experimental Botany, 59, 2659-2672 (2008), doi:10.1093/jxb/ern134 -- Details

-- 2007 --
Lokstein, H; Hedtke, B; Mustroph, A; Kühn, C: Signals, sensing, and plant primary metabolism., Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 25, 339-345 (2007), doi:10.1007/s00344-007-1001-5
Mustroph, A; Albrecht, G: Fermentation metabolism in roots of wheat seedlings after hypoxic pre-treatment in different anoxic incubation systems., Journal of Plant Physiology, 164, 394-407 (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2006.02.007 -- Details
Mustroph, A; Sonnewald, U; Biemelt, S: Characterisation of the ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase gene family from Arabidopsis thaliana., FEBS Letters, 581, 2401-2410 (2007), doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2007.04.060 -- Details

-- 2006 --
Mustroph, A; Boamfa, EI; Laarhoven, LJJ; Harren, FJM; Albrecht, G; Grimm, B: Organ specific analysis of the anaerobic primary metabolism in rice and wheat seedlings I: Dark ethanol production is dominated by the shoots., Planta, 225, 103-114 (2006), doi:10.1007/s00425-006-0333-x -- Details
Mustroph, A; Boamfa, EI; Laarhoven, LJJ; Harren, FJM; Pörs, Y; Grimm, B: Organ specific analysis of the anaerobic primary metabolism in rice and wheat seedlings II: Light exposure reduces needs for fermentation and extends survival during anaerobiosis., Planta, 225, 139-152 (2006), doi:10.1007/s00425-006-0336-7 -- Details

-- 2005 --
Mustroph, A; Albrecht, G; Hajirezaei, M; Grimm, B; Biemelt, S: Low levels of pyrophosphate in transgenic potato plants expressing E. coli pyrophosphatase lead to decreased vitality under oxygen deficiency., Annals of Botany, 96, 717-726 (2005)

-- 2004 --
Albrecht, G; Mustroph, A; Fox, T: Sugar and fructan accumulation during metabolic adjustment between respiration and fermentation under low oxygen conditions in wheat roots., Physiologia Plantarum, 120, 93-105 (2004)

-- 2003 --
Albrecht, G; Mustroph, A: Localization of sucrose synthase in wheat roots: increased in situ activity of sucrose synthase correlates with cell wall thickening by cellulose deposition under hypoxia., Planta, 217, 252-260 (2003)
Mustroph, A; Albrecht, G: Tolerance of crop plants to oxygen deficiency stress: Fermentative activity and photosynthetic capacity of entire seedlings under hypoxia and anoxia., Physiologia Plantarum, 117, 508-520 (2003)